Friday, June 29, 2012

Obamacare... is a tax?

With the 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court, Obamacare is now in full swing and ready to slap the nation silly come 2014 and continue it's escalation of abuse until 2016 when it becomes an annual event. And though I see the contrivance of Obamacare as little more than a social atrocity, the decision of the Supreme Court is more so. Why?

This is because by declaring Obamacare to be valid under the taxation clause of the Constitution the Supreme Court has granted unto the Legislative Branch a new and far reaching power. This power is the power to tax the public into a behavior, or rather tax the public for not doing something. For the nonce, from 2014 forward, we will be taxed for not having health insurance. Silence the arguments about the "social necessity" for a moment and listen, please. This new taxation realm now allows the government to socially engineer the country.

Suppose, a future administration is in favor of green technology. A new tax is passed and suddenly any vehicle that isn't a hybrid or electric is taxed. Houses are taxed for not being solar. Home owners are taxed for not gardening. Or suppose they decide to tax you for not buying some technology, for not going to the doctor, for not going fishing, for not saving money, or even for not spending money. The list of things the government can now tax the public for NOT doing is nigh on endless.

Worse yet, not only has this new idea been introduced to the world, but if the U.S. government begins to utilize this taxation ability without it being struck down by the people then other countries will follow suit. Even without the U.S. government acting on it, the idea is out there now and some government will try to run with it.

This outcome, to my mind, is not hyperbole nor simply excessive negativity, but rather a certain surety that the government, as it currently exists, is a money grubbing organism. And with this new found power will find ways to justify the power's use, but always for the "greater good".

The government must be corrected, and it is the voice of the people that must do it.

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