Friday, October 11, 2013


I have lived this before. I have lived it all before. Too many times to count. Each time is a bit shorter, but the end is always the same. My life repeats right up to my suicide.

I always believed in an afterlife, and for years that stayed my hand. But it wasn't enough, and I never expected this. 

I see it all play out again. I hear my thoughts echo from the past. I feel my body move. And though ice cream and strain, I can't change course. I'm a spectator tour to every detail of my life.

Each time start a little later, I've noticed. I used to look forward to it. Now… now it scares me. What happens when there is nothing left to repeat? Will I think to oblivion? Be held for eternity in the moment of my death? Or something else?

Too late. I feel the knife. It's ending! Oh, it's ending!...

I have lived this before.


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