Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I would fight my way out of hell for them: An honorarium to my friends

I received an email yesterday (2007) that left me speechless and on the verge of tears. I don't mind saying so because it shows my point.

The email was from a dear friend. It was simple and to the point. It was an expression of how much I was missed, how good a friend I was, the influence I had, and even that I was remembered all wrapped in a few humble words.

I have a habit of doubting any compliment I receive, of thinking that they're self-serving, but not this one. This one struck to my soul and left no room for doubt.

I racked my brain to find some way to express how I missed not just this friend but all my friends I had left behind in the move. I thought of poems and essays and stories. I had wonderful imagery.

Nothing captured what I felt. What I feel now. What I always hope to feel at remembering those words.

I thought of how wonderful my friends were and are. How their selflessness and outgoing nature gave me strength. How their going about their lives as themselves gave me the courage to be myself, to come out of my shell. I thought of the times we fought, and had fun. I thought of the good and the bad. And I thought that they never really knew just how much strength, courage, and love they gave me.

They never knew that most of the time I was unsure of myself, but for them I made decisions. They never knew that I did things I'd never done before because they were with me. They never knew that I came alive because they showed me life.

They never knew.

And words fail to properly grasp the debt I owe each and every one of them.
A debt that grows everyday.

Despite the miles that separate us they continue to give me strength, support, and courage.

I wish I could make them feel even a fraction of the love and honor I felt at reading those words. I wish I could adequately show them how much they mean to me. How their individual talents, quirks, and abilities helped me.
All I can do is give them this small praise. One that fails by far to capture the scope of my feelings for them.

There are many people who say they would go to hell for someone. My friends are people I would fight my way out of hell to join.

And to them I say, "Thank you."

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