Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

A good many don't know this, but Christmas is my favorite holiday. I sing carols all year long. Most of the music I own is Christmas music. I think of what I can make to give and to whom through-out the year. And when the tree is finally, socially, allowed to be put up, I will sit in a darkened room, in the quiet solitude and and watch it.

The lights blur and twinkle. The ornaments shine. And a calm joy fills me.

I remember Christmases past and the events, foods, and gifts fade. The Spirit of it remains. I remember the joy, the friends and family, the connection. I remember being loved.

In December, Christianity celebrates the Month of Christ: Christmas. In it they make a show of loving, of caring, of whitewashing their souls in the Season.

And for me, even with all the frustrations, aggravations and problems associated with the holidays, I wouldn't trade it for the world.

So, please, allow me to wish you a Merry Christmas. May the joy and light of the Season see you through the coming year. Bless you all.

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