While I was reading the Book of Mormon I came upon the story of Amalickiah and his rise to power. Something tickled my fancy and I saw not just the story, but the steps the villain used. So I wrote them down.
Some context: the Book of Mormon is the scriptural history of the peoples of the Americas. Two groups, the Nephites and Lamanites, arrived together as one group, split and became enemies. The Nephites worshiped God and Christ. The Lamanites did not. At this point in their history (Alma 47) a man, one Amalickiah, sought to be established king over the Nephites. When he failed peacfully, he tried forcefully and was chased from the nation, along with his followers. They fled to the Lamanite nation, ingratiated themselves to the king, and became an army. Amalickiah by plot and treachery rose to command the armies, killed the king, married the queen, and declared war on the Nephites.
The method he used I call:
Amalikiah's Corrupt Corporate Ladder (Alma 47)
1) Ingratiate yourself to the powerful. (verse 3)
2) Be a hypocrite, but don't get caught. (4)
3) Have a plan, don't give up on it. (11-12)
4) Don't be obvious, use subterfuge. Sometimes the result is better if you wait. (18)
5) Don't do your own dirty work; you might get caught. (18, 22-26)
6) Destroy all non-ally witnesses. (24-26)
7) Play the crowd at first and afterward they're yours. (27)
8) 'Blind virtue' (ie: loyalty, knee-jerk reactions) can be used to your advantage. (28-30)
9) Move quickly to consolidate your hold on power. (31-35)
I see this included as a type of warning. The wicked and corrupt will do anything at any price to get what they want.
Conversely, I thought that the list isn't far from what a moral person would need to do to get ahead either - although it would need to be untwisted. So I gave that a try, haven't put it to use though.
1) Network.
2) Be Honest, Straightforward and True.
3) Have a plan, don't give up on it.
4) Subtlety and Patience, not necessarily a bad thing.
5) If you wouldn't do it, don't order someone else to.
6) Delegate.
7) Convince the crowd.
8) Use but don't abuse 'blind virtues'.
9) Move quickly to consolidate power.
This second list could use some improvement. Thanks.